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Total app revenue from the Apple App Store reached $5.4B in Q4 2016, a 60% increase year-on-year, SensorTower reports. Google's Play Store enjoyed an even bigger growth - 82% compared to the same period of 2015, but is still trailing the App Store in absolute figures - its $3.3B total is less than what Apple's store generated the year before.

The approximate total for both platforms combined is $8.7B - a 67% increase YoY. A total of 19.2 billion app installs were estimated to have taken place in Q4 2016 and that's a more modest 17% increase compared to the same period of 2015.
Excluding games, the record holder for revenue from both platforms combined in Q4 is the Line messenger, followed by Netflix and Tinder. For 2016 as a whole, Spotify takes the lead, ahead of Line and Netflix.
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